Upper extremity orthotics
Upper extremity orthotics can be divided in following categories
Finger and hand orthosis– finger and hand orthosis/splints are used in treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of fingers and hand such as ligament injuries, fracture of finger/hand etc. The design of the orthosis clearly depends on injury sustained and clear assessment.

Wrist hand orthosis( WHO)– wrist hand orthosis is used in the treatment of injuries of wrist, hand or lower forearm. It is widely used in musculoskeletal disorders such as stroke, cerebral palsy(CP), wrist drop etc.

Elbow orthosis- An elbow orthosis is used in treatment of disorders around elbow joint such as ligament injuries, fracture around elbow joint etc.

Shoulder orthosis– Shoulder orthosis is used to support injuries around shoulder joint such as fractures and ligament injuries of shoulder joint.

Fracture orthosis– fracture orthosis are widely used in treatment of fractures of forearm and arm bones of upper limb. These orthosis are completely customised for best results in early healing of bone fractures.