Lower extremity orthotics
Orthotics for lower extremity can be divided in following categories
SUPRA-MALLEOLAR ORTHOSIS(SMO)– A SMO is clinically used in treatment of PES-PLANO VALGUS( OVERPRONATION) of foot caused due to many disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Down’s Syndrome etc., The Design of a SMO can vary depending on accurate assessment of patient.

Ankle foot orthosis(afo)– an afo directly supports/controls the foot and the ankle joint or in some cases indirectly affects the knee joint of the body. An afo is clinically used in treatment of certain musculoskeletal disorders such as cerebral palsy(cp),ctev, stroke, foot-drop, polio, gb syndrome, ligament injury and fractures of foot/ankle etc. An afo can be static( without movement) or dynamic ( with movement) depending on diagnosis and treatment plan of the patient.

Knee orthosis(ko)– a knee orthosis directly supports /controls movement of knee joint. A ko is used in treatment of knee joint injuries and musculoskeletal disorders such as ligament tears, knee hyperextension, fracture around knee etc.

Knee ankle foot orthosis(kafo)– a kafo is clinically used in treatment of musculoskeletal disorders affecting foot, ankle and knee together such as cerebral palsy(cp), polio, stroke,spinal injuries etc. A kafo has various designs and functions depending on diagnosis and treatment plan of patient.

Hip orthosis(ho)– hip orthosis is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders of hip joint such as degeneration of hip joint, ligament injury of hip joint, fracture around hip joint etc.

>Hip knee ankle foot orthosis (hkafo)– an hkafo is very useful in treatment of disorders of hip, knee, ankle and foot together such as cerebral palsy, stroke, polio, gb syndrome, spinal injuries etc.